Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some Random C++ question Which I dont want to forget

Q Global object how are the created when?

base CTOR
In main
base DTOR
Q ) Qualifiers availabel in C++ ?
Ans : I always forget mutable , 3 qualifiers are there const ,volatile and mutable .
 What is Mutable .
 Ans :  It specifies  that particular member of a structure or class can be altered even if a particular structure variable, class, or class member function is constant.

struct data
char name[80] ;
mutable int age ;
const data person  = { "Amit", 24 };        // Initialisation
strcpy (  person .name, "Sharma");       // compiler error
person.salaray = 2000 ;                         // Allowed since it is mutable

Q) What problem does the namespace feature solve ?

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